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Badladz |
Lagt på d. 08/10-2006 13:10
Lidt øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 41 |
solmand skrev: hmmm kommer lidt and på hvor i thailand man befinder sig solmand Okay solmand, hvor går du så hen? |
solmand |
Lagt på d. 08/10-2006 13:31
Øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 320 |
mest phuket...... solmand Thailand er et godt sted at tag til.og de har dejlige søde kvinder men næsten umulige at få herop pga vores defekte lovgivning.............
roald |
Lagt på d. 08/10-2006 17:50
Meget øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 873 |
i pattaya er der gode muligheder |
larsen99 |
Lagt på d. 08/10-2006 19:12
Øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 372 |
roald skrev: Og nok af dem i pattaya er der gode muligheder |
Badladz |
Lagt på d. 08/10-2006 21:15
Lidt øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 41 |
Tak for de fine svar Men hvad hedder så disse gogo barer elle beer bars som i kommer på? Er der nogen som kender til Eden Club i bkk? Badladz |
jesperfrb |
Lagt på d. 09/10-2006 00:18
Erfarent medlem Antal indlæg: 2357 |
hej Badladz... Nej jeg kender ikke Eden Club. Men hvis du søger prostitution, er det ikke svært at finde Alle kender Soi Nana og Soi Cowboy som ligger på Shukomvit road. Bare spørg en taxachauffør Men ellers er der beergardens og bar i alle turist områder af BKK. Og der skal du nok kunne finde 1 prostitueret eller 50 Jeg ved ikke hvad du leder efter, men det findes i BKK det er helt sikkert IT IS NICE TO BE IMPORTANT, BUT MORE IMPORTANT TO BE NICE!!!!! Jeg startede med ingenting, og har næsten det hele tilbage |
Korat |
Lagt på d. 10/10-2006 14:08
Øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 121 |
hej Badladz nu er det godt nok et par år siden jeg sidst gik med en bar pige da jeg er en gift mand i dag,men vis det kun er piger du er på ferie efter så er pattaya stedet for dig. jeg har været i soi cowboy or soi nana i bangkok og synes pigerne er mere hårde og pigerne forlanger også lidt flere penge end i pattaya. når vi besøger pattaya er vi altid i soi 8 hvor der er mange øl bar og pigerne er en del mere sjove end på en gogo bar,men det er min efaring. men jeg tror ikke du behøver at bekymre dig alt for meget da der ligger en bar i alle turist byerne og på landet hedder de bare hedder karoke bar i stedet. jeg kan da sige dig at vis du ville besøge alle beer bar i pattaya så kan du ikke nå det på en måned,så de løber ikke tør for søde piger lige med det samme |
Lagt på d. 10/10-2006 14:27
Begynder Antal indlæg: |
eden klub ligger soi 7/1 sukumwit men idag er der et hav a barer der |
Badladz |
Lagt på d. 19/11-2006 17:27
Lidt øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 41 |
Skulle være tvunget læsning før i begiver jer ud på nye eventyr... Profile of a Typical Prostitute Approximately two-thirds of farang-oriented prostitutes probably have nearly all of the following in common: - Born and grew up in Isaan - the poor northeast - Have the standard 6 years of government-funded education (or less) - Has worked on a family rice farm during the planting and harvesting periods - Previously worked in difficult and low wage jobs (e.g, $100/month, 60 hours/week), e.g., textile factory, helper of a street food vendor, etc., during non-planting/non-harvesting time - Didn?t go to entertainment places until entering prostitution - Brought in by a trusted friend, eased into prostitution slowly but now easily goes with men - Content with their current occupation, having lots of fun hanging out with their friends in a fairly stimulating environment with money - Still doesn?t drink alcohol or do drugs - Brings money to their provincial home regularly - Family doesn?t know they work as a prostitute (until they bring a farang home) - Lacks self-discipline when it comes to developing skills useful for other work - Has very simple outlook on life -- likes to be with friends (they tend to be in groups in the bars), eat Isaan food, wake up late - Have become skilled to some extent at "entertaining" foreign men More than half have these additional traits: - Offspring with a deadbeat Thai father (ex-boyfriend or ex-husband), which adds financial pressure - Offspring being raised by parents in province, not Bangkok - Significantly greater than average monetary pressures from home, e.g., for supporting siblings and parents Typical day in the life of a Thai prostitute: - Lives in an apartment building populated with other prostitutes - Wakes up late - Watches TV a few hours - Eats a noodle pack if too lazy to go out - Plays cards and gambles with their friends (the harder core ones tend to be gamblers) - Eats some tasty, spicy Isaan food on the street or near the bar, with friends - Takes a motorcycle taxi or regular taxi to their go-go or freelance bar for about 50-100 baht (rather than the 4 baht bus going the same way) - Gets a customer... sometimes more than one per nite - Takes a taxi home Day after day after day ... except the times they go on holidays with farangs, and usually the farang does all the work in making all transport, hotel and other arrangements, with them in tow as companion and entertainer. They have a good time, and the farang has sex but often send them back home prematurely and opts off for other samples of the local flesh. Some guys try to make a bargirl into a girlfriend. The ones who are "successful" tended to get the lady within the first month or so of her entering the scene. After that, it?s usually too late. The reasons for this are discussed later on this page. First, I?ll simply list the most commonly heard complaints below. Problems with ex-prostitute girlfriends The problems usually reported with ex-prostitute or prostitute girlfriends are the following: - Lazy -- don?t do housework, cook for the husband, clean up after themself, etc. - Unfaithful - Dishonest when it comes to where they are and what they?re doing (though often they are honest at first, then dishonest after the boyfriend expresses anger) - Habitually consume large sums of money (compared to girls with no background in prostitution) - Over time, fail to acquire additional skills (cooking, driving, business) that could help in the relationship - If sent to school, skip classes - If asked to help with the farang?s business, do less than the minimum of acceptability - Irresponsible Successful relationships, especially in terms of faithfulness, often occur with Thai girls who are made girlfriends within the first month of entering the business. Often, the boyfriend is the first or one of the first customers, and they spend some time in the scene before they get up the nerve to go with a man. Their first man is usually carefully selected. There are instinctual reasons that ladies tend to bond with the first man they have sex with or one of the first decent men. It is generally said that a girl is not girlfriend or marriage material after she?s been in the business from one to three months, unless, of course, you don?t expect a monogamous or long term relationship. While many people have concluded that prostitution changes a woman significantly, i.e., makes them a certain way, I don?t think that?s the entire picture. You have to also look at all the women who come into the business and leave it permanently within the first one to three months, leaving behind the ones who have psychologies, which make them more inclined to take on prostitution as a way of life. Once given the opportunity, and surrounded by a peer group seasoned in the occupation (often friends from childhood who are influential, close and trusted), the way of life has been opened up to them, and they undergo "bargirl training". If they choose to stick with it... Those who pass this decision point, and pass their first customer or few customers ready for more, will change from what they would be like otherwise, especially if they haven?t had a prior quality relationship with a Thai boyfriend, in that it will result in the development of a kind of mindset towards relationships with men that will be quite different from non-prostitutes, and their sexual development (if it hasn?t been formed already in a previous long term relationship with a boyfriend) will also be corrupted (usually resulting in an inability to have true sexual gratification, i.e., orgasm with a man). Their experiences in prostitution, combined with training from their peers, will change them. After a prostitute has been with a few men and decided to stick with the business, the frequency that they are willing to go out with additional men will skyrocket, usually. They get hardened and "addicted to the hunt", so that even after they have a boyfriend willing to support them financially, they will tend to go back to the scene when given a chance. Remarkably, they develop the traits of many of the sexually predatory men on the scene. There is a high correlation between the tendency to gamble and the tendency for promiscuous prostitution. Ladies who gamble are usually the most promiscuous prostitutes. Gambling is a sensational addiction to thrills, and a costly one in many ways. It is also a desire to make money quickly without working for it. Trying to Fix a Relationship With an Ex-Prostitute For the foreseeable future, the guru will continue to have friends and associates who are trying to reform a prostitute, as well as read messages on the Internet from men in similar situations. Rather than repeat the same advice over and over, I?ve just written it down here. If you find yourself in this situation, then you can come back here as often as necessary to ponder these suggestions. First, "people don?t change", i.e., peoples? personalities generally don?t change. If a girl has been one way all her life and then another way for a short while, you may have a chance if it?s in her best interests by her longstanding set of values and interests. But you can?t make people into what you want them to be. You must find someone who already has the natural traits you want. If a woman has never had the self-discipline to learn a new skill, or perseverance at anything, then it?s unlikely she will ever do so. If a woman has done impulsive things all her life, she will almost certainly continue to do so. People can change dramatically for a short time, e.g., a few days, a few weeks or even a few months, when sufficiently motivated (e.g., on a new adventure with a sugar daddy). But stay together continuously a long time and it will eventually seem like you?re right back where you started, as we say in the west. If, however, you think that you have someone with solidly good traits but who just lacked opportunity, then I would suggest the following: 1. Find a better peer group of friends for her, and make her change her peer group from her prostitute friends to her schoolgoing or working new friends. Good luck... 2. In order to promote harmony from yourself and present a relationship she would be most motivated to develop, you should study Thai culture and think about which traits you should better adopt, e.g., controlling your temper at all times, being more polite and respectful towards Thais (and thus more respectable by Thais), and more of a family man. Some Thai traits will help you in your business life, though the lax ones will not. 3. Build up her self-esteem. I would suggest rewarding effort primarily, and not expecting great results immediately. The rate of results usually improves in time as they adapt mentally to the new ways of life. Thais are inherently much more laid back, culturally. (However, if the rate of results falls over time, consistently, then you have a more serious problem. Everyone has temporary lapses, so you must look at overall trends.) 4. Be a good role model, e.g., be truly monogamous (and keep your mobile phone on at all times...) 5. Don?t have unrealistic standards for others. There?s no perfect mate out there. Everyone?s different. Thai women are usually more subserviant than western women, but they still have their limitations, as does everyone. This may give the relationship its best chance to work, if it has any realistic chance at all. If it still doesn?t work out, then don?t waste too much of your money and life?s time and energy on something that clearly isn?t going to work. A wise man once posted on Internet: "I see and hear so many people talking about "saving" bargirls. Why dont you save yourself first? In my mind this stems from cultural arrogance. The rich foreigner comes in and sees these "poor" girls being "exploited". So he gets on his white horse and tries to change the world. "Do you think these girls lead such miserable lives? Some of them do. Some of them lead great lives compared to what they would be doing otherwise. "I dont see how someone can come to thailand for a visit and see fit to judge the whole situation based on a VERY partial view. (For those of you who haved lived, travelled in TL for years it obviously doesnt apply to you, so hold the flames.) "I suggest that people spend some time traveling upcountry in Isaan and get a feel for where these girls came from, and what their mental background is. "I?ve read a few posts about people trying to setup bargirls in business. In my opinion this is foolishness. Of course there ARE a few success stories, but the exceptions make the rule. Why is it foolishness? Because these girls don?t have it in them. They are THAI. Thai people are not the same as us. The are motivated by different things than we are. To be successful in business you need to be highly motivated, relentless, meticulous and disciplined among other things. These are not qualities that typically abound among rural thais. (Once again there are always a FEW exceptions). "Am I putting the Thais down here? Not at all. What they lack in terms of the relentlessness that we admire in the West they more than make up for in other qualities. "So it all comes back to cultural arrogance. Maybe YOU think that a positive alternative to a girls current situation is going to school, starting a business, getting a degree, etc. Maybe that?s not what she wants to do with her life? Maybe for a Thai the best things in the world are community and family, and friends all around you, and being able to eat good food all the time. Also other things like being able to wake up and not have to rush around all over. Just saying "sabai, sabai" and "Mai Pen Rai". A distinctly Thai trait in my observation is that they tend to live day to day. Ambitious they are not. "I think oftentimes behind the desire to "help" bargirls really lies the desire to "change" them. Men come and meet these girls and fall in love with certain qualities. They dont want to reconcile what they like with the other bargirl qualities which they may not find so endearing. So they attempt to remold the girl into their image of a perfect girlfriend or wife. They think they can keep the sweet charming affectionate part of the bargirl and then scrape away the other parts they dont like. "Guess what folks. You cant change people. Cant be done. Period. End of story. People can only change themselves. Doesnt matter how hard you try. "So to wrap this all up, the only thing I can say is that if you meet a bargirl and you love her for exactly who she is when you meet her, then go for it. "If you find yourself thinking she?s attractive but could use a little work, better look elsewhere." When it comes to "saving yourself", that means accepting the realities about bargirl girlfriends. You can do something about yourself, but it?s awfully difficult to change other people significantly. Another (by the handle of Stef) wrote: "My wife?s family own a rice farm, and after seeing how the cycle works in the village I think I?m starting to understand some more of the differences between their life and how we look at things in the west. "In a normal year the rice is planted around the rainy season; on this particular farm this takes about 2 weeks. After this, when the rice is about a foot tall, the family goes and weeds all around the rice stalks, which takes about 4 weeks. Finally, after its ready for picking, they all go and harvest it, about 3 weeks work. Then there?s nothing at all to do for about 4 months till its time to start again. "Now in between the work there is absolutely nothing to do as far as the work goes,no point in rushing around or getting motivated to do absolutely anything. Walk around the village at about 3pm and everyones either just sitting quietly chatting or asleep or doing the odd chores on the house or whatever. "This is the point where I?d be climbing the walls I always need to be doing something even if its just messing about with the TV or whatever. But thats the main difference between myself and the wife. I was brought up to be always moving forward, my missus is just basically chilled. Not that I?m moaning. I nearly ended up with the BMW driving highly motivated career woman and that just wasn?t for me. But I could never see my wife making a success of a business. The motivation and drive just isnt there and I think the majority of girls with her background would probably be exactly the same. I dont think you could just throw money at someone and all of a sudden change generations of upbringing." There is little work in the provinces, and the economy out there is pretty slim. Many people from the provinces head into Bangkok to make money during the offseason. Many of these don?t return to the province, but let the family tend the farm while they make money in Bangkok, much of which is brought home. Many of the prettier girls will have other doors opened for them, especially in the bargirl business. Whether beauty is a blessing or a curse depends upon where they wind up. People who grew up in Bangkok or with higher class families in the provinces have another kind of background. The majority of ladies who take any interest in farangs are prostitutes from the poor Isaan region, however. They aren?t shy to be seen with a farang. In terms of class, there?s only one way: up. They have little to lose. They have financial motivation. They have few more interesting alternatives. On your end, even if you assume that your ex-bargirl girlfriend will be faithful, a good mother to your children, a good homemaker, etc., you still need to think about a couple of things: - If she can?t read/write English, how will she get by in your country, and will she be happy? This is her perspective. - If she can?t read/write English, then think of all the ways that she cannot help you with day to day domestic matters. This is your perspective. Pleasantness, femininity, sex and her other attributes may be enough for you. However, with many farangs, once the initial glow of the relationship starts to fade, it becomes a bad situation for both parties. If you?re thinking of making a bargirl into a girlfriend, then you should think it thru in advance and have realistic and reasonable expections. http://www.pattay...0000000192 |
stoney |
Lagt på d. 19/11-2006 20:56
Øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 182 |
Ja det er nok godt at læse denne tekst,den siger lidt om at bruge hovedet til at tænke med. |
Top High Class Fashion |
Lagt på d. 20/11-2006 06:58
Øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 398 |
Eden Club i bkk er i soi 7/1 og der er rigtig mange der syntes der er kanon
dkchiangmai |
Lagt på d. 20/11-2006 22:39
Begynder Antal indlæg: 15 |
Top High Class Fashion skrev: I følge denne hjemme side så skal du købe mindst to piger.Eden Club i bkk er i soi 7/1 og der er rigtig mange der syntes der er kanon Eden doesn't do ''soapy massage'' but it does specialise in all manner of sexual acts and you are shown a ''sex menu'' of what is on offer inside the small bar. There is also a yellow line down the centre of the bar - the girls on the right hand side do ana1 - the girls on the left don't. They will explain everything to you once inside - the owner and mamasan are very helpful. You can only take 2 girls together minimum - this is a rule and cannot be bargained - for a minimum of 90 mins. 1,750 baht per girl - so will cost you 3,500 but it's a unique experience and something you shouls try at least once. Christins is a soapy massage parlour where you get put onto a infaltable lilo and literally massaged with soap suds - body to body - naked Followed by BJ and boom boom on the bed. cost i think around 1,800 - 2,500 or somethinf like that for 1 girl and the price depends on which section behind the glass you choose her from (fish bowl) - difference is in the looks. There are many Soapy massages places in bangkok - in fact it is probably the king of these kind of establishments. Pattaya has a few good ones as well like Sabai land. I also will post this from the bangkok tonight site - some reading matter for you regarding Eden Club - Soi7/1 - bangkok Bangkok Eden Club There has been a lot of discussion of this place in the forum, so here is a short FAQ of Eden Club. Eden Club Sukhumvit Soi 7/1 (between Soi 7 and Soi 9, Just under the NaNa BTS station.) (see Sukhumvit map) Klongtoey Bangkok 10110 Tel: 0-2255-4672 Opens from 12:30pm - 12 midnight (last call) About The Menu 1 MAN WITH 2, OR MORE LADIES If unsatisfied with service, no charge. Special fantasies ? Let us know All bisexual ladies, dildo and strap on. Just show the ladies what you like. Left side of the yellow line **** sex. All the ladies provide oral sex. VIP Members Have Always Priority 90 min. sessions, unlimited sessions. Per lady : 1,750 Bht Take away (10pm up to 6am) : 3,000 Bht Everything Included You choose the 2 ladies yourself, even better, you choose one, and she chooses the other. Uniforms on request Visa, Mastercard, Amex (no charges) First timers are welcome just for a drink. You are here for pleasure, not for drinking About Services XXX MEANS EVERYBODY WILL PROVIDE THIS SERVICE Services that you would like to perform with the ladies: Oral Sex Bare XXX Cum on Face XXX Rimming XXX Uniform Play XXX Cum in Mouth XXX **** Sex (with Condom) **** Fingering Vaginal Fingering Spanking Light Bondage Pee on Body Pee in Mouth Foot worship Vaginal Sex (with Condom) XXX Lesbian performance XXX Services the ladies want to perform on you: Bare Back Blowjob (BBBJ) XXX Rimming XXX Spanking Use toys (Strap-on, dildo's,etc... ) Cum Sharing **** Fingering Light Bondage Pee on Body Pee in mouth Deep Throat Foot worship About VIP MEMBERSHIPS VIP = 20.000 B 10 free ladies 15% discount on customers drinks + As long as your card is not full Priority on the bookings, choice of ladies Priority on the rooms About Medical all the ladies have medical records each month for HIV and SIPHILLIS each week for STD ALL THE CHECKS ARE TO BE SEEN ANYTIME IN THE CLUB About Website It is still unclear whether our website will reopen soon or when we resume the use of our own rooms (meanwhile we utilize the hotel next door). As things are changing in Thailand's nightclub scene, we feel it would be unwise to be provocative in any way when running such a tolerated business establishment as The Eden Club. Let's face it, folks, no one cares about the existence of a website so long as our usual activities carry on normally. About Pictures sorry but the deal with the ladies is no pictures on the net no more sex pictures since some guys used it to do business on the net the ladies have a right to privacy and I respect that About Long Time Since July 1, 2004 the ladies go long time only starting 10pm to 6am at 3000b. It may be some exception but ONLY if the ladies agree to go In this case the price will be 7000b so the ladies won't be losing too much money if they have to go outside early day time or many days Just let me know what to do HOPING YOU FOUND ALL YOUR ANSWERS see you marc 018408179 __________________ |
Lagt på d. 21/11-2006 00:04
Begynder Antal indlæg: |
Marc åbner snart et nyt Eden Club i patty dsd |
mugge |
Lagt på d. 21/11-2006 05:23
Øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 389 |
hold kæft hvor er det blevet dyrt...jeg kan se det er lang tid siden jeg har været sådan et sted..puha nogle priser!!! |
dkchiangmai |
Lagt på d. 21/11-2006 08:16
Begynder Antal indlæg: 15 |
mugge skrev: hold kæft hvor er det blevet dyrt...jeg kan se det er lang tid siden jeg har været sådan et sted..puha nogle priser!!! Jeg har kun kendskab til dem fra Internettet, de er ikke berømt for priserne men at du får top service, mindst 2 piger og er du ikke tilfreds får du pengene tilbage |
MortenDue |
Lagt på d. 21/11-2006 09:46
Øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 194 |
Jeg er personligt dobbeltmoralsk ang. prostitution: Jeg mener at kun kvinden bør tjene penge på det. Jeg mener ikke at man skal tvinges på nogen måde (hverken med trusler eller af økonomiske årsager). Men for at bringe et helt andet syn på prostitution: Der var igår, d. 20/11-06, udsendelse om 2 thai-piger der af pæn præsentabel kvinde i BKK blev sendt til Danmark med lovning om guld og grønne skove..... guess what. Og her til morgen i radioen: Børn af thailandske prostituerede er en tabt gruppe. Mødrene kan ikke hjælpe dem med skole eller socialt.... Jeg indrømmer blankt det giver en klump i maven og halsen: Jeg elsker Thailand, men ønsker på ingen måde dette sociale problem som køb af kvinders ydelser medfører!!!!! Har derfor lige læst lidt om Reden på Vesterbro...... og deres syn for sagen: http://www.reden....tion_id=49 Jeg vil opfordre jer til at læse det. Det er mennesker der arbejder med mennesker og deres mening om prostitution. Chance favours the prepared mind
Badladz |
Lagt på d. 21/11-2006 09:54
Lidt øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 41 |
MortenDue skrev: Jeg er personligt dobbeltmoralsk ang. prostitution: Jeg mener at kun kvinden bør tjene penge på det. Hvad med den mandlige prostituation, er den forbudt Morten ? Regards Badladz |
solmand |
Lagt på d. 21/11-2006 16:11
Øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 320 |
hi hi kan vi få peneg for det ???????????????
Thailand er et godt sted at tag til.og de har dejlige søde kvinder men næsten umulige at få herop pga vores defekte lovgivning.............
solmand |
Lagt på d. 21/11-2006 16:12
Øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 320 |
skulle stå penge sorry----------
Thailand er et godt sted at tag til.og de har dejlige søde kvinder men næsten umulige at få herop pga vores defekte lovgivning.............
sonni08 |
Lagt på d. 10/01-2008 01:58
Lidt øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 95 |
Indlægget nr. 189 fra Badladz var rigtigt, rigtigt godt. Da jeg første gang kom til Thailand i 2002 for at hjælpe min far, der boede dernede og som havde fået to blodpropper var jeg ret chokeret og forarget over al den prostitution, jeg så i Pattaya. – Men jeg er ikke helt så PC (politisk korrekt) som Don, der forarges over at en mand vil købe det, som andre sælger. Hvad så Don? Bliver du også forarget over en Thaipige spørger en veninde om, hvor meget hun kan forlange fra Farangen? Du burde også tage derned og fortælle Thaipigerne at de ikke skal udnytte Faranger til at få penge – det er jo en symbiose, hvor begge parter udnytter den anden part. Thailænderne er ikke for søde selv. Min svigermors søster blev af en dame i landsbyen inviteret ind til byen (Kabin Buri) som ung for at se på et ”rigtigt godt arbejde”. Der spærrede de hende inde og gav hende narko i en uges tid og så løb hun ingen steder længere. Hun tog også ”glædeligt” imod de mænd de sendte ind til hende. Efter et års tid kom hun på besøg i landsbyen og min svigermor bandt hende til et træ ude i gården indtil hun holdt op med at skrige (det tog en uges tid). Den oprindelige veninde forsøgte selvfølgelig at overfalde min svigermor med en kniv, fordi hun havde stjålet hendes guld-ægslæggende høne, men svigermor holdt stand… respekt! Meningen med denne historie er, at man skal huske på, at der er valg og der er tvang. Og der er mange, mange gråzoner ind i mellem disse. De piger, der arbejer for Faranger er de heldige… De er sikkert mærkede, afhængige af diverse rusmidler, spilleafhængige, sex-afhængige (ikke af selve akten, men af det fix det giver, når nogen syntes de er så lækre, at de vil ofre store summer på dem for en smule sex og ømhed i bytte). Er det fedt liv? Næh helt sikker ikke, men… Don vil formodentligt hellere have at Thailænderne forbliver i ærbar fattigdom og armod, hvor familier (som i min kones tilfælde) ikke havde råd til at betale tandlæge og hun som otte-årig måtte græde i en hel uge, før tanden endelig var død af sig selv. Da min svigermor var dødelig syg nægtede naboen at tage hende ind i bilen, fordi hun var bange for at hun ville dø der og min svigerfar måtte bære hende otte kilometer for at se en billig læge. – fordi Don, det er det alternativ de har. Så vidt jeg kan se, er det prostitution, som i meget stor udstrækning har bygget hotellerne, vejene, skolerne, hospitalerne og sørget for at de ikke længere kun er ris-bønder og skovhuggere i Thailand (nu er det meste regnskov også borte). Nu, hvor det er turistfaciliteter, kan de tage de ”gode” turister ind og det alt for vilde liv bliver begrænset (som at alt nu lukker kl.02:00) og bar-områder bliver henvist til mere ydmyge steder i byen. Når der er nok gang i familie-turismen, vil sex-turismen blive minimeret og derefter helt flytte til fattigere steder i verden, Cambodia, Vietnam osv. Uden penge fra denne industri havde de nok heller ikke fået udbygget deres infrastruktur og højnet deres uddannelsesniveau, så fabrikker kunne få kvalificeret arbejdskraft, men det kan en samfundsøkonom sikkert fortælle mere om. Hvad ellers kan få ”Per-post” til at tage til den anden side af kloden for at bruge sin tyve procent af sin årsløn. Alle de penge han erlægger i Thailand ryger ind i samfundsøkonomien og skaber vækst, for pigen (og ”Per-post”) skal have mad, tøj, husly, guld (ikke at forglemme), veje, strøm mm. mm. Og nej, jeg syntes ikke det er en god løsning, men det er dog en løsning på et problem. Hele vores egen velstand i vesten bygger på slaveri og børnearbejde (her tænker jeg ikke på negerne – og ja det hedder de, latin: Negro = sort)) indtil en gang mellem tredverne og halvtresserne, hvor det – stort set – blev stoppet i Europa. Så er de selvfølgeligt let at forarges over al slags amoralskhed, når man har sit på det tørre. Hvilket alternativ vil du Don tilbyde de piger og deres familier i Pattaya? For hver soldat i frontlinjen er der som regel fem i baglandet til at betjene dem. Med 40.000 ekstra kvindelig arbejdskraft i Pattaya er der ifølge det regnestykke 200.000, som direkte hæver løn fra ”Per-post’s” ferieopsparing. Det brødføder så direkte de 200.000 menneskers familier… Hvis du får fjernet deres indkomstgrundlag, hvad vil du så syntes de skal lave? Sonni08 |
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