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Troubled Soi Cowboy bar owner falls to death from 39th-floor condo
Ikke tit man kan læse om den slags hændelser fra "Bangkok´s Underbelly" i BP..

"The troubled American owner of a Soi Cowboy go-go bar died Monday after apparently falling from the 39th storey of his Bangkok condominium."


Stick skrev lidt om ham fornylig:

"But one bar manager was not a hit with his girls and not quite the popular figure I always thought he was. The New Year's Eve countdown at Dollhouse in Soi Cowboy would have been entertaining and scary at the same time after the owner was set upon by his own staff, attacked with bottles and pipes! Amazingly, Darel posted photos of the aftermath to Facebook showing his bloodied, beaten body. It just goes to show what these girls are capable of when they're seriously pissed off."


Hårdt og farligt liv i LOS, drugs, booze, bargirls og en condo i de højere luftlag, uha..

Redigeret af JohnBKK d. 08/02-2016 18:53
Tjaee... Stickman fik ret, hvis han ikke har fået assistance til at melde sig ind i 'The Pattaya Flying Club'

Stickman skrev: "No-one knows what Darel will do next and really, anything is possible."

har tjekket hans facebook for de sidste 3 uger, det skulle gå galt.
Ser ud til det var et uheld:

"Thairath reported Darel, 54, had lost his condo keys and was attempting to climb over the balcony from a neighbouring apartment on the 39th floor when he fell to his death, landing on the second floor of an adjacent house.

Officers from Lumpini Police Station said despite his room appearing to be ransacked, forensic detectives found fingerprints on the outer wall of the balcony that confirmed the witness statement given by the building security guard."

tingtong skrev:

har tjekket hans facebook for de sidste 3 uger, det skulle gå galt.

JA, et eller andet er gået helt galt for ham. Når ma lægget et billed af sin bankbog på Facebook som bevis for at der er forsvundet penge, den 4/12-2015 stod der lidt over 1 million THB på kontoen og den 25/1-2016 stod der 0 THB.
Spørgsmålet er så bare om han faldt ved er uheld som det tyder på, eller om hav "lod" sig falde ?.
Men en trist historie er det, om det så er det ene eller andet der er skyld i faldet.
Jo mere man ved,..
Jo mere ved man man ikke ved...
Underligt at naboen ikke stoppede ham. Ifoelge artiklen nedenfor led han ikke af hoejdeskraek. Stakkels mand. RIP.

Hvad er det for et link, det virker ikke..


Pga hans L kom udenfor da han lavet sit link, Nu nemt at se.(med klare øjne he he)
Aha, måske jeg sku´ta´solbrillerne af, høhø!

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