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Braendt af af farang ?
hugoboerge |
Lagt på d. 15/08-2014 11:40
Ekspert medlem Antal indlæg: 5534 |
Helt aerligt jeg ved ikke hvilken overskrift at vaelge til det her. Men nedenstaaende dukkede op paa Facebook under gruppen "You know you have lived in Thailand when...." Man faar det indtryk at farangen har braendt hende af men efterfoelgende kommer der saa en journalist paa banen som ogsaa giver reference til en thai dame i Danmark. hi everyone not only about nice place in thailand you should to know if you want stay and live in thailand longer you must to know also about Thai culture today i have some imformation let you know just want to post to all Foreigners who have thai girlfriend if you want marry her or even not marry but have a baby the thing you need to accept and understand not right for after girl have baby then say not accept Thai culture and please respect her parent not say you dont know them cuz if you know your girlfriend you must to know her family right ? A little understanding helps in marrying a Thai woman Western men are advised to do a bit of homework before setting out to marry a Thai woman. 'I think any western man thinking of marrying a Thai woman should do a little homework,' says Pat Dawson a feature writer for one of Bangkok's leading newspapers. 'It wouldn't hurt to start by looking at Buddhist culture,' he says. Before marrying a Thai woman he says it is important that you understand the position of Thai women in society and her potential motives for marrying you. While most Thai women will marry you for the same reason you are marrying her, and make fabulously attentive and loving wives, there are cultural differences that you should know about. Marrying a Thai woman: Thai women in society If you are considering marrying a Thai woman, you should first make yourself aware of the role of Thai women in society, and how they expect both you and them to behave. Because Thailand is fundamentally a Buddhist society, the women are regarded as inferior to the men, and they do not have the same rights or position in society as men do - including their husbands. Thai women cannot be expected to act and participate in society in the same way a western woman would, and in some cases men marrying a Thai woman are disappointed in the way they participate in their Western-style society. However, if you understand the reasons for this, your marriage could be as wonderful as you want it to be: a little understanding goes a long way. One of the major problems when western and traditional eastern cultures meet is in the way that men and women regard each other. For example, even today, sex before marriage is frowned upon in Thailand, and is not a normal occurrence. In Thailand, boys and girls want each other to be the first for each other when they marry, just as with eastern young people in general, the male wants to be the first man for his girlfriend, while the female wants to be the last woman for her boyfriend. In Thai society, men and women are not traditionally used to displaying acts of affection in public, such as kissing or even holding hands. It is generally not acceptable for Thai boys and girls to stay overnight together unless they are with others in a group. However, likely because of exposure to western TV and movies and also the internet, these norms are being broken, and young Thais now openly show those signs of affection that are commonplace in the west. When marrying a Thai woman, the Western man should be aware of these norms and of the place held by Thai women in society. Although young Thai girls in Bangkok and Thailand are getting a feeling of the Western ways from the media to which they have more access, they also believe that most foreigners are rich in comparison to themselves. For many young Thai women this is likely to be true. Understanding Thai women in society is very important for anybody from the USA, Australia or Europe who intends to marry a Thai woman. The following are some reasons for young Thai females agreeing to marry foreigners. They may also involve feelings of love, but because of their culture it is important that you understand these things: Western men are rich Most Thai girls believe Western men to be rich, and has already been stated, this is often the case in terms of relating the average earnings of a Westerner with the average Thai male. In some cases the woman will agree to the marriage simply for the money, and such marriages are certainly not made in heaven. They often end in tears and the loss of a great deal of cash by the man. However, you should be able to tell if the girl you have chosen feels the same about you. Thai women fall in love with western men just as they do with young people from their own country, and while the initial attraction might have been your wallet, it might not be why they marry you. You should take the same time to get to know them as you would a girl back home. Many American and European women will fall for a very rich guy - you just have to learn to tell the difference! Family obligations Most Westerners fail to understand the family ties of Thai women. For some women, marrying a foreigner is a way out of certain poverty for her and for her family - even if she does love you. This is not a mercenary obligation as many Westerners claim, but is simply an example of the close family relationships that exist between the members of Thai families: if a Thai bride has married a moneyed groom, then the family would expect to be cared for, even if the groom was a Thai. The same would be true if a rich woman married a poor Thai man. You might feel the same if you married a wealthy Thai woman. The Dowry or Sin Sod The dowry, or sin sod, is an integral part of Thai culture and how love works in Thailand. It is intended as a gesture of honor to the Thai bride's family for bringing her up well. The dowry also signifies that the groom is able to look after his bride financially. The average dowry you would expect to pay for an educated young woman would from $3,000 - $10,000, though some ask for up to $30,000 and more. More than $10,000 for a university educated Thai bride is excessive. The dowry is today generally no more than a symbolic indication of the wealth of the groom, and returned in full, or sometimes in part, after the wedding. Thai culture Women have very defined roles in Thai society and within marriage. The expansion of education in Thailand and improvement of women's rights has opened the door to younger Thai women to take up posts in the civil service and in commercial organisations. At present, it is estimated that over half those working within the Thai civil service are women. However even prior to this there is a long cultural tradition in Thailand where women have been seen as responsible for handling the financial affairs in families and the engagement of commerce. A Thai government survey in 1946 found that 75% of all registered small traders in Thailand were women. Despite this, the role of women in society has been slow to change and there is a strict moral code. Despite the infamous Thai prostitution industry, only a minute percentage of Thai women have ever been involved in prostitution. It is important to remember this. Although Thai society has a different or 'softer' attitude towards prostitution and it is accepted that many poor families will send daughters into the industry, no Thai man would ever consider marriage to such a woman. In Thai society there is also a stigma attached to women who are divorced or separated from their husbands. A Thai wife is expected to be supportive of her husband as we see from the phrase that the husband is the front legs of the elephant while the wife is the hind legs, driving and supporting decisions taken by her husband. Thailand is still a patriarchal society although it is changing but it is changing very slowly. The acceptance of prostitution highlights this. It should be noted that the prostitution industry in Thailand exists primarily to service Thai men. It is not simply an invention to satisfy sex tourism as often portrayed in the media. Indeed there are some forces within the prostitution industry in Thailand who fear the westernization of Thailand as it offers Thai women, who do not fit into Thai society, more options. The internet, a western influence, is one of the key tools that are helping to empower under privileged Thai women. We have seen compelling stories of some women driven by forces in Thai society into prostitution who have opted instead to find foreign husbands. One example of this is Sommai, formerly a sex worker in Pattaya who married a Danish man 15 years ago. She has now gone on to create a large community of Thai women married to Danish men in an isolated part of Denmark. Thai women in general are becoming more educated, many now going on to third level education. However, the power of Thai culture and Love in Thailand is difficult for westerners to understand. It is very difficult for Thai women to actively go against their own culture including key principles that have been ingrained since birth. Many of these principles are Buddhist. It is often pointed out that Thailand was never colonized but this has led to a living and powerful sense of culture and identity which reaches down to all levels of Thai society. The westernization of Thai society can be seen in Bangkok and urban centres in Thailand where it is not uncommon now for Thai women to work outside the home but most Thai wives still play a supporting role to their husbands. In July 2010 Thailand elected its first female Prime Minister in Yingluck Shiniwatra. This is a step, and a big one, although the country is still very traditional and still largely patriarchal. It will be a while yet before women control the marriage bed, although many men married to Thai women believe they do that now. Understanding Thai women in society is most important before you make the decision that marrying a Thai woman is what you want in the long term. If you do, then you will be marrying a woman who will take good care of you for your entire life, as long as you also take care of her. She is marrying you so that she will feel secure, personally and financially, and if you can do that then you will have a wife for life! |
Bade-Dyr |
Lagt på d. 16/08-2014 04:04
Meget øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 587 |
Jeg er nu ikke enige. Man skal ikke "hænge" sin Danske (for os her på siden) traditioner, og hvordan man gøre tingene i lufthavnen når man ankommer, og lever 100% som Thai. De ting som Thai gøre som jeg har det fint med, gøre vi også, de ting jeg bare er lidt i tvivl om gøre vi som regel ikke, Men kan snakke omkring dette, og lyder det fornuftige, ja så prøve vi det. Og de ting der skriger imod alt min Danske fornuft, Ja der er ikke noget at komme efter. Vi snakket om det i starten, og til min store overraskelse sagde konen og hendes familie, Det er da klart at du som Fa-Rang ikke kan/vil gøre som en Thai. Det kom jo bag på mig efter det jeg havde læst og fået fortalt af andre Fa-Rang at de mener at Thai vil havde man bliver/lever som "Thai" !!!!! Alle Thai jeg/vi kender, Ved at jeg er Fa-Rang og ikke gøre som dem, Og det tages der hensyn til. Og det er som det skal være. Nu er det jo heller ikke nogle regler for hvordan man griber tinge an ang at være kæreste, blive gift med mere. Nogle Thai gøre som i gammel dage. Nogle er det hele et show, Hvor alle ved på forhånd at penge der vise frem, gives tilbage. At pigen egen familie der smide penge frem som folk kan se de har penge. En del "ældre" Thai ægteskab har de bare valgt at gå på Amphoe og blive gift uden alt det bøvl med stor fest med mere, da de mener det er spild af penge, Det kom bag på mig da jeg første gang hørte dette, da det igen ikke passet ind i det jeg havde fået fortalt. Men jeg lære hele tiden. Tro ikke man kan sige i 2014 er det er traditioner for det, eller det omkring at gifte sig i Thailand med en Thaier. |
bannok |
Lagt på d. 17/08-2014 14:03
Øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 364 |
Jeg er enig med dig, Badedyr, thairne forventer ikke at vi omstiller os 100 procent til det thailandske samfund, det er også min erfaring at thaierne tager specielle hensyn, til udlændinge, både med mad og logi og andre ting. Nu har jeg været så længe i Thailand så jeg er vandt til kulturen, manden, o.s.v. Nogle gange må jeg sige til dem at de ikke skal tage specielle hensyn til, jeg spiser det de spiser, og jeg kan også hvor de sover. Det der med ingen sex før ægteskabet, den holder vist nok ikke mere i Thailand, hverken for hende eller ham. Det er ikke alle thaiere der er lige ærlige og venlige, og en ting en udlænding skal lære meget hurtigt når han er i Thailand, det er, at det der med a lyve, det er ikke en stor synd i Thailand, de omgås sandheden med lethed, hvor vi udlændinge, betragter en der har løjet over for os, for at være en skiderik og illoyal og andre dårlige ting, ja faktisk vil vi ikke have noget at gøre med en løgner, men sådan er det ikke med Thaierne det er helt ok at lyve sådan i ny og næ, det er selvfølgelig ikke ok for en thai at lyve om alvorlige ting overfor familien. Og så en sidste ting jeg vil nævne, alle thai hører til en social gruppe, og det er familien, og dertil kommer du aldrig at høre til, uanset hvor længe du bor her, sådan er det bare, alle udlændinge der har været i Thailand en årrække kan skrive under på det, du føler dig nogle gange udenfor, og sådan er det bare. Der er masser af andre ting som folk der ikke har en vis tilknytning til Thailand ikke ved kender noget til og helle rikke får kendskab til det før de har levet i nogle år i Thailand. Det er ikke en gang løgn når folk siger at en der har været i Thailand i 3 til 6 måneder ved alt om Thailand, end der har været i 3 år, tvivler lidt, og en der har været i 10 år eller mere undrer sig hver dag over hvad der sker i landet, og kan ikke give et prompte svar hele tiden. |
Nahm |
Lagt på d. 17/08-2014 21:33
Meget øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 513 |
bannok, Det er ikke alle thaiere der er lige ærlige og venlige, og en ting en udlænding skal lære meget hurtigt når han er i Thailand, det er, at det der med a lyve, det er ikke en stor synd i Thailand, de omgås sandheden med lethed, hvor vi udlændinge, betragter en der har løjet over for os, for at være en skiderik og illoyal og andre dårlige ting, ja faktisk vil vi ikke have noget at gøre med en løgner, men sådan er det ikke med Thaierne det er helt ok at lyve sådan i ny og næ, det er selvfølgelig ikke ok for en thai at lyve om alvorlige ting overfor familien. Men det er helt ok at lyve overfor en falang...? og hvor går grænsen, hvad er en lille løgn ? så når deres kultur har det fint med at lyve stort, så kan vi falanger gøre præsis det samme overfor dem, egentligt ret trist sådan at skulle leve på løgne ikke ? men det er jo ok i Thailand - The land of smiles Mvh,
Nahm |
patirak |
Lagt på d. 18/08-2014 06:12
Meget øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 739 |
Igen den evige debat, analyse og mystificering af Thai-kvinder, som værende helt specielle i forhold til jordklodens andre kvinder. For mig er der kun en reel forskel fra Thai-kvinder til de fleste andre kvinder her i verden: Pga. deres sociale situation, så findes der i her Thailand en meget høj koncentration af såkaldte "gold-diggere" - især hos den gruppe af Thai-kvinder, som finder sammen med udenlandske mænd. I disse tilfælde, handler det ikke om kulturforskelle, traditioner, religion mv. Det handler om økonomi og intet andet. Problemet ligger ikke i Thai-kvinderne, som egentlig er meget åbne om deres forventninger i et parforhold. Manden skal blot åbne øjne og ører for at kunne se og høre det. Problemet skal findes i Farang-mænd, som bruger traditioner, kulturforskelle og religion som undskyldning for at de f.eks. skal købe hus, biler og betale lægeregninger til vandbøfler/mødre/brødre mv. til konen. Manden lukker øjnene for at han i realiteten blot har købt en "very very long-time" luder til kone, fordi det at skulle håndtere sandheden simpelthen gør for ondt. Der findes massevis af ærlige, oprigtige og trofaste Thai-kvinder som giver sig selv 110%, hvis de møder en mand som de oprigtigt elsker. Se blot de mange Thai-kvinder som knokler røven ud af bukserne, mens deres Thai-mand hygger sig i hængekøjen. Jeg kender også til blandede forhold, hvor det faktisk er kvinden der økonomisk tager sig af familien. Thai-kvinder er efter min mening slet ikke så komplicerede som man gerne vil gøre dem til, uanset deres kultur eller traditioner. Problemet er blot at udgangspunktet i mange blandende forhold ikke er baseret på følelser, men handler udelukkende om økonomi. Tilføj dertil en stor mængde af udenlandske mænd, som er taget hertil fordi de ikke kan finde en kvinde i deres eget land. Så er det jo oplagt at tingene for alvor bliver kompliceret. Thai-kvinder er ikke specielle eller komplicerede i forhold til andre kvinder i verden. Men det er de forhold og forventninger tilgengæld, hvorunder udenlandske mænd mødes med Thai-kvinder. Man kan analysere Thai-kvinder og Thai-kultur nok så meget. Man kan endda blive Thai-statsborger, blive munk og lære at tale flydende Thai. Men det betyder ikke at man bliver lykkeligere med den Thai-kvinde som man lever sammen med. Hvis ikke hun elsker en af de rigtige grunde, så er ens kendskab til Thai-kultur, religion og traditioner i bund og grund ligegyldig. Redigeret af patirak d. 18/08-2014 06:25 |
Lagt på d. 18/08-2014 11:16
Erfarent medlem Antal indlæg: 1244 |
Dear Bill I love you and I miss you too much my friend bar say you old man look same same monkey but I know you hansum man I have problem I write you before that buffalo me sick Now it die Fall down and dead in middle rice field. Bad fortune when it fall it fall on papa and break leg he three place Now he not work Brother me make stretcher bamboo he take from roof house Roof come down and rain in house He take papa to hospital motorcycle Have big accident when he come home hit police car Police say brother me blame Police say he pay big money. not worry darling motorcycle OK but Police car bad broken Bad luck make Mama heart problem. Doctor say she must triple by-pass I no understand but brother say you understand. You know darling I only work in bar and not go with man I wait for you come back Bangkok but if you no help me I fuck many many many many many farang get pay bills money. Old people my village say you responsible if you send money me before buy medicine sick buffalo then it no die papa no break leg house have roof brother no ride into police car Mama no have heart problem. Please send me 200,000 baht for my bank. Papa fix 10,000 new roof 30,000, new police car 100,000, mama fix 50,000. I take off 2,000 baht for sell buffalo meat but me have to pay more hospital bill for 24 people have problem eat contaminated meat 12,000 baht. I not know money England but my brother me say me it 71.2424 mid-market rate close of trading yesterday This means you send me 10,000 your pound I love you darling Lek |
hugoboerge |
Lagt på d. 18/08-2014 11:57
Ekspert medlem Antal indlæg: 5534 |
En del gode indlaeg der er kommet ud af det her. Der hvor jeg ville hen med titlen "Braendt af af farang" var faktisk at i dette tilfaelde bruger farangen som undskyldning at "han kender intet til Thai kultur" til at braende damen af. Dette var hvad damen skrev: hi everyone not only about nice place in thailand you should to know if you want stay and live in thailand longer you must to know also about Thai culture today i have some imformation let you know just want to post to all Foreigners who have thai girlfriend if you want marry her or even not marry but have a baby the thing you need to accept and understand not right for after girl have baby then say not accept Thai culture and please respect her parent not say you dont know them cuz if you know your girlfriend you must to know her family right ? Damen er aabenbart journalist uddannet og hun henviser sidenhen til en artikel skrevet af en engelsk journalist. Traaden paa Facebook er blevet fjernet af en eller anden aarsag men foer den blev fjernet var det aabenbart at damen var i 7. maaned og herefter brugte farangen "ingen forstaaelse for thai kultur" som en undskyldning for at skride fra hende. Det viser jo blot at nogle faranger er paa "lige fod" med Thai drengene naar de har gjort en pige gravid og tager ikke ansvar for deres gerninger |
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