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Dansk forretningsmand overfaldet af Lengkee familien
Undrede mig over denne info, ikke allerede findes på DTW.
Men her er et rent facebook udklip, over noget der er sket for en bekendt i Pattaya.

Teksten er taget direkte fra hans FB indlæg:


As some of you already know, I was assaulted last Monday. The dose of painkillers is finally starting to go down and I now have the energy and focus to describe what happened. I know friends and family are worried. I’m at the hospital - alive and will survive. What happened is:

I went to sign a contract this Monday with Porntip Iamsawas, a daughter of the Lengkee Family and her husband, to renew a lease on a property.

I brought cash to pay for signing + the contract. My plan was afterwards to meet up with my company lawyer to get my last Pattaya businesses sorted out in order to focus on my business in Bangkok, where i live.

When i came to the contract signing i noticed something was wrong as her hands were shaking. I moved on, as I thought she just had too much coffee. In hindsight I know it was because she knew what was about to happen.

I signed all the contracts as agreed and started putting cash on the table, but she did not sign the contracts. Even though the contract had been agreed upon the day before. When they became threatening, I realized they were going to steal the money and not sign the contracts. At that time I started video filming the incident with my iPhone. I only had chance to film a little bit before she sent her guards after me.

I tried to escape but in the process I got pushed and fell down a ledge where i broke both my heel bones and a toe. After I fell down 2-3 meters on concrete floor, one of her guards jumped from the same height and landed on my back, causing further injury. Then 2 guards and her husband held me down while they stole the rest of my money and my iPhone.

There were 15-20 witnesses overseeing the whole incident, and luckily one of them called for the police.

After the police arrived, I managed to get my iPhone back. However the assaulters must have known that I had a video recording, as the sim-card was removed and the phone smashed up. Luckily I was still able to get the video after hooking up the phone to my laptop. The most important part of the video is of Porntip Iamsawas ordering her guards to chase me down – giving very clear evidence of who’s behind the assault.

The video and the case is at the police station and the Danish Embassy and I hope for a quick resolution.

I'm now at the hospital with 2 fractured heel bones (calcaneus), a fractured toe and serious back injuries - wondering why someone from such a rich family as Lengkee would have me assaulted, injured and robbed for 420,000 baht. A small amount for them, which makes me understand the situation even less.

I have always been fair in my business dealings. There have been no arguments before or anything that explains to me why Porntip Iamsawas would treat me like this.

I'm trying to grasp the scope of it all. For the next 6-8 weeks you'll see me in a wheel chair. I'll easily get over the loss of money. Unfortunately the doctors say, there's a chance that I will never walk normally without pain again.
Hvem er den Danske forretningsmand?
kimkingo skrev:

Hvem er den Danske forretningsmand?


m.v.h. Fotofreak
Anonym Bruger

Jeg forsøgte flygte, men blev skubbet ned af en afsats og brækkede begge mine hæle og en tå. Efter at jeg faldt 2-3 meter ned på et betongulv, sprang en af hendes vagter ned fra samme højde og landede på min ryg, hvilket gav yderligere skader. Derefter holdt to af hendes vagter og hendes mand mig nede, mens de stjal resten af mine penge og min iPhone, skriver han på sin Facebook-profil.

Big eyes
Dansker overfaldet og indlagt i Thailand

En dansk forretningsmand er indlagt i Thailand, efter han blev røvet i forbindelse med en forretningsrejse i den thailandske ferieby Pattaya

Det voldsomme røveriet skete forrige mandag, og den danske forretningsmand har siden ligget på hospitalet med svære skader på ryggen samt flere brækkede lemmer. Det skriver Scan Asia på nyhedsbureauets hjemmeside.

Danskeren er bosat i Bangkok, men var i det thailandske ferieparadis for at afslutte en forretningsaftale om leasingen af en bygning, da han fik mistanke om, at et røveri var under opsejling og derfor forsøgte at flygte....


Til Jer der rejser til Thailand for første gang, pas på!.
Thailand er vanedannende, stærk vanedannende!.

Jeg ved hvad Jeg taler om.
Dansker overfaldet og indlagt i Thailand
En dansk forretningsmand er indlagt i Thailand, efter han blev røvet i forbindelse med en forretningsrejse i den thailandske ferieby Pattaya


Come As You Are
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