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Tiger penis restaurant
John |
Lagt på d. 17/01-2011 18:47
Administratorer Antal indlæg: 2171 |
Er der nogen af jer der har spist her? The Tiger Penis Restaurant The Tiger Penis Restaurant first opened its doors in 1958 in the heart of Bangkok and has been serving rare and exotic dishes to our discerning clients for over 50 years, from fresh raw monkey brains, these are killed at the table for your enjoyment and served with vegetables of the season, to our proudest moment when we served rare steaks from the last known Asiatic Cheetah in the world, in a delicious Isaan sauce to a coach party from Korea, the sauce was to die for with hints of garlic, Asian red onion, basil, lemon grass and corriander. Rare & Exotic Snacks - Get them while stocks last Panda Pate Foie Gras $59.99 per 100grams One of our most popular snacks and takeaways is Panda Pate, we buy the youngest baby panda bears we can get and using traditional gavage force feeding techniques we fatten up the liver, after several weeks under anasthetic we take the baby pandas kidneys and liver, these we slowly bake in our special secret sauce with finely sliced onions, mashed garlic and just a hint of habernaro sauce, absolutely delicious and recommended by the Japanese Kato dining guide as the finest pate available in South East Asia. You can find some of our Pate Recipes on the forum. Insect Corner Our insect corner has the finest selection of insect snacks in Thailand, we garauntee we do not use DDT to catch our insects so ensuring that you are getting the best quality and freshest insects available anywhere in the world, from multi legged 1 foot long centipedes deep fried in a delicious beer batter to our crispy baked Forest scorpions, for something a bit different why not try a small dish of Thai hornets or a nice soup of crushed rhino beetles Medicinal Dishes - More Healthy & Natural Than Viagra BBQ Tiger Penis $ depends on size of portion With a plentiful supply of tigers in Asia our BBQ tiger penis is cheaper now than it was when we first opened over 50 years ago. The penis is taken and marinated in herbs and spices for 15 days before it is even considered suitable for our discerning clientel, our chef checks each penis everyday to check the infusion of herbs and spices is correct, when the time comes he can garauntee the perfect BBQued tiger penis will be served. Cobra Blood Special $8.99 And special it is, all our cobras are kept by us for 90 days before being served to our customers, we lovingly care for them and feed them the finest, freshest rats and mice available, you can be sure that when you order our cobra special the snake will be brought to your table alive and placed in the table clamps, you will be supplied with an engraved shot glass which you get to take home as a momento, a small knife to cut the snakes head off, a bucket of ice cubes and a chilled half bottle of Lao Khao, this one will give your sex life a real boost that you will never forget. NB; for a small fee we can cook the cobra for you afterwards. Other Dishes Labrador Retriever Kebab $6.99 A relatively new addition to our menu are kebabs, in 2005 we added labradors to our dog farm due to their popularity and large amounts of meat available on each one, every night you can be sure that a new fresh labrador is on the skewer awaiting your order, the meat is finely sliced and placed into pitta bread with your choice of salad at our self service salad counter. NB; 10% of all profits from Kebabs are donated to the RSPCA, we believe in building a better world for our animals. Dolphin Steak $4.99 Served as part of our seafood breakfast special, 250grams of medium rare flame grilled dolphin, 2 turtle eggs boiled, 1/8 piece of shark fin aged and marinated, served with either toast or fried bread. Party Special If your holding a special party, be it a birthday or divorce, then why not hold it at The Tigers Penis, we now have a regular source for young elephants between 100 - 300 kilo each, our tandoori oven can take 4 100kilo elephants at one time in a squeeze, we do need a weeks notice, all elephant steaks come with a complimentry entrail soup for each guest. Awards Won and Accolades The Tiger Penis Restaurant has won a great many awards, we are featured in the Guinness Book of Records for the most Pangolin ant eaters killed and consumed in one evening, and what a great evening that was with both Norris McWhirter and Roy Castle joining us for the fun and festivities, our chef prepared 228 baby female Pangolin ant eaters that evening which were served with freshly chopped string beans and cabbage on ice and a fine selection of sauces and marinades specially prepared for this meal. In 2001 we were awarded the Leatherback Trophy, this was an extremely proud moment for us as it was something our grand parents had sought for years, we have now held this trophy for the last 8 years and it is highly unlikely considering the scarcity of large leatherback turtles that our serving of a 680 kilo leatherback will ever be beaten. *Edited* May 2009, we received a 3 legged 650 kilo turtle for our restaurant, I personally believe if it hadn't been involved in an accident with the boat propeller or we could have found the missing limb we would have beaten our previous record. Recipe of the Day Zesty Rabbit Soup Ingredients 1 small white rabbit 1 can (14-1/2 ounces) diced tomatoes 2 cloves of minced garlic 1/2 a green onion 1 cup frozen white corn 3 teaspoons ground cumin Chili peppers chopped to taste Directions Using a small blow torch carefully remove all the fur from your rabbit being careful that it doesn't bite or scratch you, industrial gloves are a good idea, once the fur is removed place the rabbit into your liquidiser and give it a good pulsing, using a sieve pour the rabbit juice into a pan, the left overs you want to place into a muslin bag and put that into the pot. Add beef stock and 2 cups of water and bring to simmer for 15 minutes. In a large skillet, saute onion and garlic in oil until tender; add to the pan. Stir in the tomatoes, corn, chilies, cumin and chili powder. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes or until vegetables are tender. The Tiger Penis News Meerkat back on the menu After 3 years of absence we finally have a regular supplier from the Kalahari desert for fresh meerkat, due to the scarcity of meerkats we only get one live shipment per month so it's first come first served, each meerkat is prepared to Halal dietary procedures and we allow as much blood as possible to drain from the carcass before preparing your meal. We can either bake your meerkat whole with a selection of organically grown garden fresh vegetables if you are in a group, or it can be sliced and served lightly grilled with a piquant sauce of your choice. Kilde:
rinpoche |
Lagt på d. 17/01-2011 18:57
Ekspert medlem Antal indlæg: 5069 |
thaikurt1 |
Lagt på d. 17/01-2011 19:35
Ekspert medlem Antal indlæg: 2882 |
Hvor er det dog udlækker at nogen kan finde på at spise den slag kød. Ville aldrig kunne finde på at spise Labrador Retriever Kebab, Zesty Kanin Soup. Redigeret af thaikurt1 d. 17/01-2011 19:36 Du kan leje deres krop, men du kan aldrig udleje deres sind, endsige deres hjerter."
natty |
Lagt på d. 17/01-2011 22:27
Ekspert medlem Antal indlæg: 3021 |
thaikurt1, læs Piet Hein Den, som kun tar spøg for spøg og alvor kun alvorligt, han og hun har faktisk fattet begge dele dårligt. Piet Hein (1905-1996) dansk opfinder og designer. |
jesperfrb |
Lagt på d. 17/01-2011 23:27
Erfarent medlem Antal indlæg: 2357 |
Hvor har du fundet den???
IT IS NICE TO BE IMPORTANT, BUT MORE IMPORTANT TO BE NICE!!!!! Jeg startede med ingenting, og har næsten det hele tilbage |
krydolf |
Lagt på d. 18/01-2011 07:00
Øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 137 |
Fin joke, men nogle af retterne kan faktisk "nydes" i Japan, ganske vist ikke lovligt. Da jeg for mange år siden boede i Afrika, var der også "retter" på menuen som jeg bestemt ikke kunne finde på at proppe i munden. Sådan er verden så mangfoldig.
Man kan godt drikke uden at more sig.
FCKdk |
Lagt på d. 18/01-2011 08:58
Meget øvet medlem Antal indlæg: 927 |
Fy for den lede..... Skal snart have ny hunderem og det er vist heller ingen skade at få indopereret en GPS-tracker i vovsen.... Det kan kun gå for langsomt!!!! __________________________________ ....jeg klattede det hele væk i Thailand!!!! ....ikke en dråbe spildt eller fortrudt!!!! ....og det fortsætter jeg med!!!! FCKdk Dem der ikke lyver, behøves ikke at huske hvad de sagde tidligere.... .Those who doesn't lie, doesn't need to remember what they've said before... |
TG950 |
Lagt på d. 18/01-2011 19:19
Erfarent medlem Antal indlæg: 1670 |
ville med glæde indtage min plads ved bordet, men kun på den betingelse at der bliver servert GNU. Velbekomme. Den, der vil gøre drøm til virkelighed, må vågne op først. både store & små stavefejl kan forekomme livet forståes forlæns, leves baglæns. Brug ikke dagen på at se dig tilbage, Du skal alligevel ikke den vej..... Lev med de beslutninger du tager, også selv om andre ikke acceptere det Livet er som en bog, du kan ikke ændre de ting der allerede er skrevet, - men du kan starte et nyt kapittel.. |
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