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Har du måske overvejet AVOCADO plantage i stedet for. Udsnit fra artikel om Vietnam
1.11 Fruiting season: Almost all year round although there are peaks of production in certain months (March to July) when there are good rainfalls and temperatures.
4.1.12 Harvesting and yield: Maturity is judged by the ability of the fruit to soften and become palatable without shriveling or showing flesh breakdown once it is harvested. Because of protracted flowering, the fruit matures over a period of time. Selective picking should be practiced as this gives the remaining immature fruit the opportunity to grow on to maturity. Yields vary according to cultivar and cultural practices as well as climatic conditions. On average, a yield of 3.5 to 5.0 t/ha is obtained in Vietnam, but a much higher yield can be achieved and in a well-managed orchard up to 25 t/ha may be produced.
Jeg mener at have læst et eller andet sted at man i Thailand er ved at "få øje"(udbredde kendskab ) på denne frugt, og dennes egenskaber :ernæring og helbredelse.
M.v.h., M. Rasmussen
Redigeret af falang yao d. 25/11-2005 00:05
Thailand-You are always on my mind, even when sometimes it's S. S. but D. D.