Debatemne: Thailand Portalen (version 2004) :: web tv
så nu er den snart på trapperne det nye bredbånds tv fra opfinderne af skype....det siges / skrives at det skulle være høj kvalitets bredbånds tv og ganske gratis ( mon ikke der også skulle være mulighed for at se thai tv )
Oprettet af
Payanak d. 18/01-2007 18:33
Skype founders bring free television to the Internet.
Posted: 17 January 2007 1053 hrs.
SAN FRANCISCO: The founders of revolutionary Internet telephony firm Skype unveiled a test version of an online television service on Tuesday that will be free to users.
Niklas Zennstroem and Janus Friis said they "combined the best of TV and the best of the Internet" in a venture called Joost to enable people to watch television online with "choice, control and flexibility".
Joost was a "piracy-proof" Internet platform based on the open-source Mozilla web browser and was crafted to guarantee copyright protection for creators and owners of content, according to its founders.
"People are looking for increased choice and flexibility in their TV experience, while the entertainment industry needs to retain control over their content," said Joost chief executive Fredrik de Wahl.
"With Joost, we've married that consumer desire with the industry's interests."
Luxembourg-based Joost claimed to be the first global television distribution platform that brought content owners, advertisers, and audiences together in an interactive, community-driven environment.
"We are not only giving the world a TV, we are giving them a TV they can play around with; you can add things to, you can modify," said Joost chief technology officer Dirk-Willem van Gulik.
"You will control what you watch, how you watch it, and what you do with it."
Joost had a team of workers converting television programs to digital format and adding information about actors, action, titles, directors and "all the fun facts so people could search and find them," Gulik said.
The shows will be shared in a peer-to-peer format, with users getting them from each other's computers, according to Gulik.
Seed content will be sent out from a set of Joost computer servers at the firm's main data centre in Luxembourg City and elsewhere.
"We store the original content on a handful of little server stations around the world and send the data out the first time," Gulik said. "After that, it sits in the peer-to-peer network."
Joost based the platform in open-source computer code to make it easy for programmers to create "plug-ins," small applications that perform in ways that will enhance the service, according to Gulik.
Opportunities to download the software as part of a private test of the service were being offered at the website
Joost was working with television studios and other content owners that could use traditional money-making tactics such as advertising to profit from online viewers, according to Joost vice president Hendrik Werdelin.
"The problem with TV is there is never anything on, there is too much advertising, there is always clutter, no sense of community and you can't get the shows you want when you want," Werdelin said.
"We want to get rid of those problems by using all the cool features the Internet has."
Joost is a "TV-like experience online" that is free for people to use and should be rolled out for the public by mid-year, a Joost spokesman told AFP.
Joost will be competing against video-sharing websites such as Google-owned YouTube and a host of Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) services displayed last week at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
Friis and Zennstroem are the entrepreneurs behind Internet companies Kazaa and Skype, which was bought by US-based eBay for 2.6 billion dollars in 2005. - AFP/st
Jeg fik idag en email og en adgangskode så jeg kunne hente Joost. Det har jeg så gjort og jeg synes det virker overbevisende, men der er endnu ikke ret meget på som man kan vælge mellem (se på). Men mon ikke det kommer fremover.
Skulle måske lige nævne at jeg ikke har kunne finde noget hverken thai eller dansk på Joost endnu.
webmaster can du ikke sende en adgangskode til mig min mail er
Don't want to wait? Try getting hold of an invitation from another tester. All new beta-testers now get tokens allowing them to invite friends and acquaintances, and these tokens will give you instant access to Joost™. Get ahead of the curve - beg your friends for an invite today!
thai ting
<< music
håber i kan bruge dem
Her er noget der har været i Ekstrabladet, noget af det er der Thai på.
[url][/url] - har 1000 kanaler/programmer
[url][/url] - har 30 kanaler/programmer
[url][/url] - har 2000 kanaler/programmer
[url][/url] - har 750 kanaler/programmer
[url][/url] - har 2300 kanaler/programmer
[url][/url] - har 30 kanaler/programmer
Hej Webmaster, jeg vil også gerne ha' en adgangskode, tak.
Jeg lavede lige dine henvisninger om til aktive links
Earthrush skrev:
webmaster can du ikke sende en adgangskode til mig min mail er
Don't want to wait? Try getting hold of an invitation from another tester. All new beta-testers now get tokens allowing them to invite friends and acquaintances, and these tokens will give you instant access to Joost™. Get ahead of the curve - beg your friends for an invite today!
Hejsa Earthrush,
Jeg har ikke fået nogle invitationer endnu (eller rettere de der tokens, hvad det end er). Jeg fik selv min invitation ved at skrive mig på denne side: [url][/url].
ha rjeg gjordt så venter kun og se om jeg bliver udtaget lol
her er også et link til noget thai tv der er lidt af hver
Davser dutling
Jeg lavede lige din henvisning om til et aktivt link
Oprettet af Suk Rak Ning d. 03/03-2007 18:51
Mange gode sager der, men jeg kan ikke goere TV. Skaermbilledet stoerre der, kan i ?
Med venlig hilsen Suk...............
Der er også denne her. Er ikke gratis men der er rigitgt meget thai tv serier og den slags.
Earthrush skrev:
webmaster can du ikke sende en adgangskode til mig min mail er
Don't want to wait? Try getting hold of an invitation from another tester. All new beta-testers now get tokens allowing them to invite friends and acquaintances, and these tokens will give you instant access to Joost™. Get ahead of the curve - beg your friends for an invite today!
Hejsa Earthrush,
Jeg havde fået en invite, den har jeg så brugt på dig da du spurgte først.
Jeg har ikke flere tilbage og ved ikke hvornår eller hvordan jeg får flere. Så hvis nogle andre har nogle invite i overskud, så må i gerne tænke på de andre her i tråden som var interesseret.
Oprettet af
Mictho d. 16/03-2007 20:27
Jeg synes den her er den bedste, ca 200 kbps, gratis og hakker ikke.
Ser ud til at jeg har mange invites til Joost nu. Så hvis I er interesseret i at få en invite, så send mig lige en PB med jeres email-adresse.
Webmaster skrev:
Ser ud til at jeg har mange invites til Joost nu. Så hvis I er interesseret i at få en invite, så send mig lige en PB med jeres email-adresse.
jeg var medlem men kan ikke logge på mere, de snakker om der er nogen der stjæler folks kodeord til siden så det er nok det jeg har prøvet også surt
Har du opdateret til seneste version ?
Oprettet af
finn-lis d. 15/05-2007 13:40
jeg vil gerne have en invitation til joost. Email adresse.
Oprettet af
finn-lis d. 15/05-2007 15:36
Hej Kim, tak for invitationen til Joost, jeg glæder mig til at bruge den.
VH Finn.
Oprettet af
larsen99 d. 15/05-2007 18:22
Webmaster skrev:
Ser ud til at jeg har mange invites til Joost nu. Så hvis I er interesseret i at få en invite, så send mig lige en PB med jeres email-adresse.
Du må gerne sende en til mig.