Debatemne: Thailand Portalen (version 2004) :: Madonna defends 'blowing up the White House' remark

Oprettet af JohnBKK d. 23/01-2017 08:55

"WASHINGTON - Pop singer Madonna, who said in a profanity-laced speech at Saturday's Women's March in Washington that she had thought about "blowing up the White House," said on Sunday that she was speaking metaphorically."

Øh, hvor er Homeland Security? Bitchen burde spærres inde for trusler om terror.

Top comment i BP:

"Michelle Obama could not motivate people to live healthier lives in all of her eight years in the White House. Yet President Donald Trump, not even a day in office, was able to motivate millions of overweight American women to get out to exercise like this. Hail to the Chief. Let's make America skinny again."

........... LOL LOL Rolll

Oprettet af hugoboerge d. 23/01-2017 09:32

JohnBKK skrev:

"WASHINGTON - Pop singer Madonna, who said in a profanity-laced speech at Saturday's Women's March in Washington that she had thought about "blowing up the White House," said on Sunday that she was speaking metaphorically."

Øh, hvor er Homeland Security? Bitchen burde spærres inde for trusler om terror.

Top comment i BP:

"Michelle Obama could not motivate people to live healthier lives in all of her eight years in the White House. Yet President Donald Trump, not even a day in office, was able to motivate millions of overweight American women to get out to exercise like this. Hail to the Chief. Let's make America skinny again."

........... LOL LOL Rolll

Her er en rigtig god tv serie. Dog er det ikke The White House der ryger, men se selv:


Oprettet af JohnBKK d. 23/01-2017 18:45

Ser ikke TV, hb, ellers tak, holder min hjerne skarp ved at betragte den virkelige verden, og det burde en so som Madårna også gøre, men en værdiløs bitch som hende tjener jo kassen ved at bilde folk lort ind og fjerne dem fra virkeligheden.

Her er virkeligheden, her er klar tale, no bullshit, det ku´folk sgu lære noget af, især de snotdumme kællinger der har marcheret i prostest mod ham.

Noget mere klar i mælet end den intellektuelle tvivler Obongo..


Redigeret af JohnBKK d. 01/01-1970 02:00